Updates on Vandalism to the Love INC Offices and How You Can Help Us
Here are the ways you can help. Continue down the page for most recent updates.
Your extra gift is appreciated to help us cover unusual costs of disrupted operations including setting up temporary locations, items not covered by insurance, and deductibles.
Want to help us with your time or talents during this difficult time? Please use the contact form to let us know how you'd like to help
Other than serving, got an idea or a question about helping us?
Please hit the button below to let us know...
Updates on the Damage to Love INC Offices
31 January 2023
What the Enemy Meant For Evil, God Meant For Good
- Good Neighbor Thrift Shop has graciously donated $10,000 to Love INC after hearing about the vandalism at our offices. We praise God for this provision.
- We have witnessed several unexpected opportunities to minister to others because of our change in location.
- The clearinghouse has been moving along nicely in its temporary location.
- An arrest has been made in the vandalism in our offices. We are thankful for the Elyria Police department and the officers' work.. There seems to be no direct connection with Love INC. We pray for the person arrested, that their life would come into its full potential.
11 January 2023

First Round of Volunteers

Back Taking Requests
- As of Tuesday, January 10, volunteers are back receiving requests for help from the community. We are so thankful for Nagy Family Dental for hosting our space while we are in transtion.
- The old location requires extensive repairs and is close to being fully dried out from all the water. It will be several months likely before we are able to return.
- We continue to incur costs. Your generous gift is appreciated.
- We completed two trainings at two different churches despite the loss of our permanent location.
- We've received some thoughtful monetary donations from a variety of partners. Thank you!
January 5th 2023

Two temporary volunteer intake stations
- We spent yesterday setting up a temporary clearinghouse location, space generously donated by Nagy Family Dentistry. Three intake stations and very temporary Clearinghouse Manager station was set up. We also have limited space to do some work and have meetings.
- Our old location is undergoing restoration. We are unsure when or if we will return to this location
- New client intakes are still suspended...We hope to resume client intakes early next week.
- We continue to incur costs. Your generous gift is appreciated. Use the button at the top of the page to give.
- We still have need of short term volunteers as work arises.
- Training off site continues on normal schedule!. A network church will get trained in Redemptive Compassion this Saturday January 7th.
- Most of our immediate need to move and secure our belongings has been accomplished.
December 30th 2022

Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday night, someone vandalized the Love INC offices, including deliberate breaking of an upstairs water pipe, completely flooding the downstairs.
The perpetrator also dumped, hit, broke a variety of items. The building is currently uninhabitable. There was a small amount of theft.
(We are so grateful for the space which has been generously provided by the Nagy Family Foundation)
Please pray:
The perpetrator also dumped, hit, broke a variety of items. The building is currently uninhabitable. There was a small amount of theft.
New Client Intakes are Suspended.
(We are so grateful for the space which has been generously provided by the Nagy Family Foundation)
Please pray:
- For wisdom for interim operations when staff return to work on January 3rd
- For wisdom as we navigate claims with our insurance company
- for contents
- For the Nagy Family Foundation as they navigate claims on the building with their insurance
- For our restoration company and their workers
- For a quick recovery to resume normal operations
- For Elyria Police Department as they investigate